Affair Proof Your Relationship With These Tips

If you have experienced an affair you know it ranks up there with the worst experiences you can go through. It can feel like a terrific blow to your life when you discover the person you love has been cheating on you. You start to have the same negative thoughts that keep repeating themselves over and over again in your mind along with the emotional roller coaster you are on.

As a victim of an affair you wish you could set the clock back to where you can do what it takes to prevent this from happening to you.

Regardless of how bad your relationship was you did nothing to make your partner cheat on you. That decision was totally theirs so do not feel as though you caused it. The complete responsibility falls on the one that did the cheating.

You must realize this because you do not want to waste your time trying to figure out what you did to cause the affair. You have two issues, one is the problem the two of you may have had in your relationship and the other is your partner’s decision to cheat on you.

You are part of the relationship and may have had some part to the problems the two of you had, but that does not give the cheater permission to cheat on you. Cheating on ones partner does nothing towards fixing a relationship. It only brings on anger and suffering that can rip apart a relationship that could have been great.

Do you want to affair proof your relationship? There are some things that can be done in a successful relationship to help prevent any issues that may come up in the future. This can help prevent you or your partner from using the relationship as an excuse for having an affair. Next are two strategies that can be employed to help prevent an affair in a relationship.

1. Have an open door policy with your partner. When you are open with each other and share even the most trivial things in your lives it becomes more challenging to sneak around behind each others back. Being open with each other means you’re not being secretive in your life. Do not hide who you are talking to on the phone or what you have been up to. Being transparent builds trust and shows you have nothing to hide.

2. If you are in a successful relationship you know that there will be disagreements or even a fight occasionally. The key is not to put your focus on the negative things that may come up. If the two of you have many great times together this would be the focus of your attention. When couples have fun together the chances of one of them looking for fun elsewhere are not as likely, so put your focus on having enjoyable times with your partner.