How Can I Get My Wife Back After A Divorce?

If you are wondering if it is possible to get your wife to marry you again after being divorced. I would say that yes you can depending on why you divorced in the first place. If the divorce was because you did not get along too well and decided mutually to separate or because it just was not the right time to marry, these would be a couple of cases where you may reunite again at a later time.

Maybe you were young and found that being married did not suit either of you and felt that divorcing would be for the better. The two of you kept in touch and a couple years later found new love together, your older and more mature, and now may be the right time for marriage.

If you have recently divorced it may be more difficult to get back together, your ex may have bad feelings and be resentful with you or your marriage and have no interest in talking to you. It takes time to get past the anger or heartache for both parties and you should take some time to get past this without hounding your ex.

When a decent amount of time has past you can send birthday cards and such, but do not send a Valentine card. You could call and say you are doing ok and that you can see that getting divorced was a good idea. If she is not happy with her life she may be interested in talking with you again and this could be the beginning of a reunion.